Paul Deloughery


About Paul Deloughery

Estate and probate litigation, and asset protection consultant by day, travel aficionado on the weekends, Paul Deloughery prides himself on challenging himself in all aspects of his life. Often accompanied by his wife and two children, he prefers traveling with a purpose in mind, whether that is to spend time outdoors, learn about his family history, or learning about history in general. Having moved around frequently as a child, Paul can claim to have lived in North Dakota, California, Washington, and Minnesota, all of which exposed him to different cultures and experiences. As a child he even played the bagpipes! Despite living in a small town in Minnesota at the time, Paul soon qualified for multiple competitions celebrating Irish traditions and instruments (such as the bagpipe), as well as the tin whistle and wooden flute. Other weekends, you could find him fishing or boating, both of which he enjoys doing to this day.

Competing in these festivals afforded Paul the opportunity to travel internationally at a young age, helping to ignite his lifelong interest in seeing as much of the world as he could. His travels brought him to Saskatchewan and Manitoba for lessons, and Ireland for competitions. From there, Paul and his parents visited his mother’s family in Ostfriensland, Germany, which is still one of his favorite places to travel to this day. He looks back fondly on his time in Italy as that’s where he met his wife, and Ukraine, as that is where his wife is originally from. He went back and forth from the States to Ukraine six times in one year in order to see her! Paul has also taken his children to London, and hopes to cross more countries off his list in the future. In particular he wants to visit Greece, India, and Mexico. Ideally, he’d even like to live part-time in the Caribbean once his children are older, and go back to the French countryside at the next possible chance.

When he’s not whipping out his passport, Paul Deloughery and his family are usually piling in the car for a road trip. Living in Arizona makes it convenient to drive up to California. And although Germany is his favorite place to go, Paul isn’t picky—he’s happy to go anywhere there’s water, and he’s always ready for a camping trip. Anywhere that isn’t flooded with tourists, has plenty of nature to admire, and could possibly put him on a boat, and Paul’s ready to go. Since the majority of his time in the past few years has been mostly occupied with work, Paul considers his weekend trips to be especially important. Everyone needs to have something they’re passionate about outside of their career. For Paul, exploring new places and learning new things does just the trick.