Tips for Booking on Discount Websites

Tips for Booking on Discount Websites

When you are are looking for flights you want to be careful. There are many discount flight websites that give you great deals. But they may not be the best option for cutting out some of the stresses of travel. Some could add to your stress and are more likely to...
Working Out When You’re Traveling

Working Out When You’re Traveling

Working out isn’t always something that makes the to-do list every day. It can especially seem hard when you are traveling and feel like you don’t have the time for it. You might use the excuse, “I’m on vacation, I don’t have the time to work out.” But there are...
Camping as a Parenting Tool

Camping as a Parenting Tool

Not only is camping a fun outdoor activity you can do with the whole family, but it can also be a great learning opportunity for your children when they go along for the trip. Research shows that camping with your family can enhance your relationship and that 60% of...
Tips for International Travel

Tips for International Travel

Whether it is a family vacation or a business trip, international travel can be difficult if you do not know what you are preparing for. Of course, research on wherever you are going is your main priority, but you cannot forget about the preparation before you arrive...
10 Best Places to Camp in Arizona

10 Best Places to Camp in Arizona

The Grand Canyon State lays claim to some of the nation’s best camping opportunities. From sweeping desert views to cool and crisp morning hikes through the mountains, Arizona offers something for everyone. Here are the state’s ten best camping spots:...
Traveling to Ukraine

Traveling to Ukraine

I travel to get away and relax. But sitting on a beach can get old, so I like mixing things up. That (and love) is why I went to Ukraine in late September this year. My wife is from Ukraine (she’s a U.S. green card holder) and went there for a few months for work. I...